Author Archives: Amy


Dancing 'Round the Rhino

Dancing ‘Round the Rhino
Make way!
Here it comes
Look out!
Has anyone seen the invisible beast
that no one is talking about?
It’s huge
It’s heavy
Its stink fills lots of space
Yet goes unseen, cannot exist
No, not in this pure place.
Say, what
did I just bump into?
Why can’t we see with courageous eyes
its mean fearsome face to face?
For if we could
It surely would
Shrink to a danceable size.



Being time

Being Time
Little Match Girl
Strike it rich stitch in time
Saves mine match strike spark a blaze
Craze the flame from a glow
Blown breath a new
Moment of complete acceptance
Without doing only being
Time of eternal truth



What sense is the meaning?

What sense is the meaning
of pain at hand
to stand intend to mend?

What sense is the pain
of hand withstand
too mean to tend or lend?

What sense is the hand
of team to bend
when pain besets amend?

What sense is the stream
of pain do end
with tender hand attend?




Chickaree plea
Chickpea flee
Chicken feed need
Chicken hawk walk stalk
Chicken breast rest nest
Chicken-hearted stared parted
Chicken-livered shivered
Chicken lips trips
Chicken squawk balk talk
Chickweed seed creed
Chicken feet neat beat
Chicken wire mire
Chicken wing sing
Chickaree see
