Tag Archives: growth


Frigid air

Frigid air
Fred Astaire
What when the
two shall meet?

Awaken care
Dancing flare
Light on their
own two feet

Truthfilled stare
Grace the pair
Cool in swirls
steam of heat

Destined fare
Touch to dare
Clean edges
smoothly greet.



Cindy Lu

Cindy Lu, what happened to you?
You’re all grown up and then some.
In tiny steps one
After the next,
You’ve covered quite the distance.
Once a tot,
A teen, then not,
You’ve really grown quite handsome.
So, what for you? Now something new?
You’ll act your age for instance?


Seed of Wisdom

Seed of wisdom
Do grow stronger
Drink each breath of living
Seed of wisdom
Do grow longer
Shine new growth wielding
Till branches reach
Trunk tall and wide
Leaves the seasons changing
To fall with graceful knowing
Seed to wisdom
