Monthly Archives: November 2011


Cut Out

Cut Out

Everything else is separate, I hear
Separate from what I can do
My skills, my knowledge
of profession at hand
That’s separate from
All that I am

All that I am is
A package deal, I say
All that I am not separate
For where would the line be drawn
To cut me from
All that I am?



Frigid air

Frigid air
Fred Astaire
What when the
two shall meet?

Awaken care
Dancing flare
Light on their
own two feet

Truthfilled stare
Grace the pair
Cool in swirls
steam of heat

Destined fare
Touch to dare
Clean edges
smoothly greet.



Cindy Lu

Cindy Lu, what happened to you?
You’re all grown up and then some.
In tiny steps one
After the next,
You’ve covered quite the distance.
Once a tot,
A teen, then not,
You’ve really grown quite handsome.
So, what for you? Now something new?
You’ll act your age for instance?



Whimsical fancy takes little time
Just toss-away idea revamped,
Still mine
Pick up a piece, too little thought
Put on the next, twist a knot
Try, retry, till it works, or not
No serious matter, no sense delay
Two minutes, four it’s done
Tomorrow one more.