“Start with the end in mind.” But we know it takes more that mind power alone to run a creative business that really speaks to your heart. It is not a linear process for sure. More like a winding mountain pass, we tack back and forth, watch for detours and look for signs that we are on the right path.
But how do we really know where we are headed? For some of us, the map naturally unfolds and our good next steps appear magically beneath our feet as we step. For others of us, not quite knowing the direction of those steps can keep us stuck in hesitancy or even frozen in fear of making the wrong move. We may meander, hoping we will get where we think we are going, or we may jump at opportunities that pop up like roadside attractions but turn out to be off-road distractions.
What I have found most helpful in my decade of doing business is to have a VISUAL plan that resonates with my heart like a homing device on a courier pigeon. “Oh, that’s the clear general direction of my business vision!” And, I need the concrete PRACTICAL details, information and specific actions that will actually materialize as profits, sales and effective service.
If you want to be better able to take forward steps with confidence AND resonance with the internal vision you hold for your business, join us for the workshop to make a visual plan you can hold in your hands as you navigate to success.
I say, “start with the end in mind and heart and hand” and work backwards so that you can really move forward!
Right-Brain Business Plan® Workshop
August 10, 2012 9am to 5pm
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Registration: $187
Register by 8/7 and get $20 off
Led by Amy Egenberger, a Right-Brain Business Plan® Licensed Facilitator, life coach, artist and founder of Spirit Out! Coaching. Amy helps people tune into their inner wisdom in their work, relationships, art and home life to really ratchet up honest co-creative power.