
Spirit Out! provides creative people in the fields of art, education and business with supportive coaching, classes and learning tools that help them find even more inner strength, self-knowledge and personal joy to energize their own creative journey.

What makes Spirit Out! Unique

The insight, passion and real experience that Amy brings to the liberation of spirit because she is on this journey, too.

Spirit Out! is a verb. spirit out (spir’ it out’) v. 1. To free oneself. 2. To release one’s true nature from the stronghold of limiting beliefs 3. To allow one’s unique vitality and creativity out into the world. 4. To breathe with ease and step with joy.

Wisdom, Encouragement, and Guidance…for those seeking their unique path.
Spirit Out! Life Coach, Amy Egenberger
Spirit Out! Life Coach, Amy Egenberger

About Amy


Over the last eighteen years as a professional coach, I have helped hundreds of people tune into their inner wisdom and ratchet up their creative power. I believe that creativity brings peace and healing, fun and joy, which is why I coach people seeking to engage more fully and artfully in their creative soul work.

In addition to one-on-one coaching, I have facilitated more than 30 groups through The Artist Way and similar courses I designed for Spirit Out! clients. It’s a joy to witness the powerfully liberating transformation that happens. With a spiritual and co-creative approach, I help educators, artists and business leaders tap into their inner knowing to guide them in designing and experiencing success.

As a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach, I am a graduate of the Coaches Training Institute as well as the Co-Active Space International Leadership Training Program. I have completed and co-led the Advanced Coaches Training, and I’m proud to be an Awakened Wisdom Experiences Coach.


A licensed teacher for over thirty years, I live a life of learning. From first graders to adults, I strive to inspire creative learning and community. After working for nearly three decades in the field of language immersion education, including being a classroom teacher, curriculum consultant, professional learning facilitator, and mentor to new teachers, I apply my skills in new arenas.

With a Masters in Second Languages and Cultures Education and Certification by the National Board of Professional Teaching Standards, I enjoy collaborating with educators in the discovery and use of best instructional practices.

Spirit Out! offers innovative professional development tools and workshops for adults, and designs transformative education for businesses and organizations. I specialize in supporting those who are dedicated to creating authentic, effective and creative learning communities.


I love to play with the metaphor of my artwork, which also includes painting and collage, as a connective medium between life experience and spiritual journey.  This may be why I love leading the Artist’s Way Experience groups for those seeking to unblock the flow of their own natural creativity… because the process helps free my own!

For a time, I used found objects and textiles to assemble small doll-like figures, and write poetry inspired while creating each art doll. I made my first doll fourteen years ago. Then on September 12, 2001, reminded how very precious time is, I decided to stop making excuses for not doing more of what I love to do: creating. I committed myself to the making of a spirit doll and the writing of a poem every day for a full year. This 365 Doll-Poetry Collection was exhibited most recently at Homewood Studios in North Minneapolis in February of 2009, and I hope to display the collection one more time in the near future.

Now I find great joy in learning to paint with acrylics on canvas. On September 12 of 2009 I began a new daily practice. I mix and paint one color, put a swatch of it on my calendar board and write six words alongside the color. The paint then finds its way to one or more canvases that I have going in my studio. While the intensity of that dilligent daily practice of that first year has been interrupted, I’m still dedicated to making time for art. My paintings also include layers of prayerful text that add positive energy to those who view or choose to purchase a painting.

You can see more about my artwork at amyegenberger.com.