This spring boardwalk turned into a springboard walk for my well being.

Surrounded by urban landscape so much of the time, my spirit longs for something other than cement, asphalt, traffic, noise and exhaust. Thank goodness for artist’s dates!

I pushed myself to find what nature oasis the city, to get myself out into some fresh air. It always does wonders, so why to I resist it so? Inertia, perhaps, of the work patterns and routines that carve grooves in  my calendar if I don’t consciously make room for something else. Something nurturing in nature.

Doesn’t take much. Two or three steps on an earthen path near water or through trees or both, and I’m there. I’m there with me, back with my breath as I exhale and allow cleaner air in. With each step I can sense my intention for renewal and refreshment being met a bit more. Grateful. When my feet feel the sound of weathered wooden planks, thankfulness comes to heart and mind for those who built the decking for us to walk over the marsh.

Where might you go walking today? Listen, breathe, step your spirit out.