Do you tend to save things or use them up? I tend to be a saver.
After making a yummy fruit salad for a potluck today, I felt inspired to take my Grandmother’s silver serving spoon. So, I did. And now I see it as a good sign of being a recovering too-good-of-a-saver.
Growing up I learned to take good care of things. We had good clothes, school clothes and play clothes. We had good dishes and everyday dishes. And I like that. It makes having company over or a holiday celebration that much more special. I think “saving things for good” added to the hope and joy that good occasions were on their way.
The trouble is when I go overboard. Lovely objects stay forever in the cupboard, a nice skirt hangs forever in the closet and, perhaps worst of all, like-new art materials stay tucked away in my studio. Argh! That’s where my talent for saving and appreciating and keeping things in good condition can hold back my creativity.
So, I’m reminded. Reminded to make the ordinary feel a bit more special in the everyday… and to get things out of the cupboard!
Maybe no one at the potluck lunch even noticed this shiny special-to-me spoon, but I feel better knowing it got used.
What might you be saving for good? Will you let something out today?