I looked up from my work the other day and glanced at the book a friend had recently given to be as a thank you present. She is also an appreciator of a good homemade pie, and we shared the charm and humor of this how-to book.
Then I suddenly noticed that this pie book was perched upon another book on my desk. Ah! The universe does have a sense of humor! And I so welcome the laugh-out-loud synchronicity of it all.
What other funny pairings is the universe showing us?
I imagine that these not-s0-coincidental concurrences are all around us, and that our angelic companions are playfully watching in the wings, waiting for us to smile.
Let’s keep paying attention (or better yet… playing attention!) and return the appreciation.
Oh, and just for fun, did you notice today is 3.14? Yes, a triple pi play!