by amy | Jun 20, 2013 | Perseverance, Practice
“May I help you?” is the wrong question. At my first job at a department store years ago, I was taught to greet customers differently. Now I think I understand why. There’s a part in all of us that doesn’t want help. According to the inner saboteur, the knee-jerk...
by amy | May 23, 2013 | Learning, Practice
What have you noticed about the rhythm of your own creative energy? As creative entrepreneurs, we seem to have lots of choice about when we do what. So, how do we learn best to honor cycles and timing of our creative efforts? Unfortunately, there is no unique calendar...
by amy | Apr 11, 2013 | Learning
In business we are attentive to our customers, of course. We care about them and do our best to stand in their shoes, to see their point of view. We aim to satisfy. And when clients choose and experience our products and services, we listen to their feedback. Before...
by amy | Apr 3, 2013 | Blessings, Learning
My car has been teaching me to slow down. Maybe not exactly the winning tortoise yet, but at least like the hare with new brakes. It started going wacko last week. The map-reading light would go on all by itself. The warning chimes would sound for no apparent reason...
by amy | Mar 18, 2013 | Learning, Practice
Nothing thwarts our creative efforts better than a bad habit. Some habits are inherited. We come by them innocently and then they stick. Is worry one of yours? I come from a long line of worriers. I’ve learned from some of the best. Yes, it may give a busy mind...