Intuitive Knowing

About 45 varieties of goggles stared at me from the sporting goods display. Truly. How can there possibly be so many choices? A voice in me said, “get the purple ones.” It was that voice of the little one who doesn’t care about price or function or...

Lane Eight

This spring I got an inkling to get back in the water and swim. Just for fun, I make my way back and forth across this Olympic size pool. Then I start imagining taking lessons. Could I really unlearn my poor habits and learn to breathe better? Could I improve enough...

Backwards Mapping

“Start with the end in mind.” But we know it takes more that mind power alone to run a creative business that really speaks to your heart. It is  not a linear process for sure. More like a winding mountain pass, we tack back and forth, watch for detours...

Shifting Gears

My car has much to teach me. Last Sunday on Hwy 100, I was shifting up into 5th gear. So I thought. The clutch had other plans. My good red Saturn and I coasted to the side of the road. Even though my heart was racing and adrenaline pumping, I did have a sense that I...

Returning Home

I’m not from the desert. But, in April of this year I spent some good solo time on a spot of land in the Mojave Desert that welcomed me like home.  How fortunate am I?  Those hot sunny days and cold moonlit night changed me into more of me,  in the springtime...

Looking Up

When it comes to finding a way to find the sun, there is no better teacher than the sunflower.  This one, a cast-away from a bustling bird feeder, made its way to a bit of fertile ground, put down roots and spontaneously grew tall and opened with this stellar pattern...