An artist friend and I met at the Weisman Art Museum for a little fun, and we left with a lot of inspiration.
Where do you like to go for artist dates? It doesn’t have to be a museum. Heck, it could be a thrift store, a flower garden or even your favorite coffee spot. There is, however, something particularly uplifting for me to tour an exhibit of hand-crafted artwork. Collected and displayed for others to enjoy, the collections remind me that art is doable and I need to get about doing it!
The walls painted bright yellow, deep purple or vivid teal in the “Remembering Rondo” show at the Weisman this summer magically set off the paintings, collage and sculptures by Rose and Melvin Smith. I loved it. Even thinking of it now recalls for me the sense of people and place the artists express of their own Rondo neighborhood. I left with a feeling of authenticity that resonates still.
Where might you take in the beauty and meaning of other artists’ work? I hope you choose an art fair, museum show, or even a friend’s personal collection and find a bit of inspiration for your own artist heart.