My Blog

Finding Focus

How does the camera do it? My photographer friends would know more, but what I get from my wonderful auto-focus function is that somehow the lens latches on to part of what I put in the viewfinder and makes that the focal point. Cool. What is the focal point of your...

Reaching Trees

How is it that trees grow up? Even when outstretched over bodies of water, they hang on and reach up. Mostly. I love trees. They seem so wise, brilliant at stillness from so many years of standing there in the same spot. Do they get board? Do they converse? I believe...

Crunch Mystery

An unexpected trip to a small town north of the big city merited a treat. Once I took my car in for the months-awaited inspection appointment, I felt a sense of accomplishment that was royally celebrated with, yes, crunch. What is in that stuff, anyway?  All I know...

Placing Plans

What is it to let you hands do the planning? Somehow our finger tips can sense what goes where and what feels right. So often we go at planning as though it were a cognitive gymnastic event. We twist and turn and tumble our thoughts around until we don't even...

Backwards Mapping

"Start with the end in mind." But we know it takes more that mind power alone to run a creative business that really speaks to your heart. It is  not a linear process for sure. More like a winding mountain pass, we tack back and forth, watch for detours and look for...

Shifting Gears

My car has much to teach me. Last Sunday on Hwy 100, I was shifting up into 5th gear. So I thought. The clutch had other plans. My good red Saturn and I coasted to the side of the road. Even though my heart was racing and adrenaline pumping, I did have a sense that I...

Healthy Focus

A couple of friends of mine started this idea and are opening the invitation to all who want to do it, too. Here it is: Hello and  Happy New Year!! The two of us will be having fun over the next 13 weeks, which will bring us through to the end of March. Every Sunday...

Weaving Hope

There is much talk of fear these days, and most of us have personally experienced getting caught up in the vibrations of anxiety that stories in the news seem to perpetuate. At the very least, we can sense the uncertainty in uneasiness in the air. So, what is the...

Color Lines

Color inside the lines. That's what I advocate. That may sound counter to what other say to encourage creativity, expansion and out-of-the-box thinking, but the place to bring our real creativity is in drawing the lines in the first place. If we choose the rebellious...

Many Thanks

I love that we have a holiday dedicated to gratitude. A good reminder helps lift the vibration of my perspective on life and reset the default settings on my attitude to thankfulness. I'm appreciative of this beautiful polish to my path, like a natural red carpet...

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