Good Fortunes

You crack open a cookie and the fortune is good. We like that, right? What if the paper were blank? Would you write a good forecast for yourself? Would you let your saboteur predict gloom and doom? Clarifying your own good fortune is more than setting resolutions that...

Telltale Signs

Sailors watch the wind. It’s invisible, of course, so they watch the water.  By seeing the ripples, feeling their skin, listening to the air, the unseen is made apparent. Isn’t it the same when sailing your creative business? We need to see the unseen by looking for...

Horsecart Vision

You’ve heard it before. Especially if you are a dreamer, a visionary, a clearly creative person, your ideas for the future can be met with wet-blanket pragmatism. “Don’t put the cart before the horse,” we’re told. Well, I think those naysayers are just hearing us...

Crabby Pointers

What’s bugging you? Trying to get creative work done can be a challenge. Tiny troubles or even big bothersome dilemmas show up. Let’s face it. It’s all not peaches and cream 100% of the time when “following your joy.”   Sometimes it’s peas and screams. Sure, we...

Soft Focus

A favorite book in my third grade classroom was Magic Eye. Remember that one? Over and over the kids would pick that book and stare at the pages until the hidden objects appeared out from under a sea of dots. Magic Eye requires a special way of seeing. Looking...

Finding Focus

How does the camera do it? My photographer friends would know more, but what I get from my wonderful auto-focus function is that somehow the lens latches on to part of what I put in the viewfinder and makes that the focal point. Cool. What is the focal point of your...