How is it that seemingly  just the other day we were dazzling in the brilliant fall colors on unusually warm days?  Now the scene is covered with snow and ice, and my walk with the trees just a memory.  I’m reminded of the challenge of staying present.  I notice something lovely or comforting and want to stay there, despite the changing season unfolding.  What is the resistance about?  My resistance to the truth of the impermanence of all things.  It hooks me around other-than-pleasant experiences, too, when part of my mind thinks the pain or discomfort will go on forever.  Perhaps the freedom is actually in the impermanence.  Of each breath, of each thought, of each feeling…  allowing, enjoying and letting go.  That is one lesson I learn, again, from the tree and its ever-present changing.  There is no getting ahead or keeping up… only being with and choosing what is.  Today I choose the peace and beauty of this photo.  Is that cheating?