New Spaces

New Spaces

Life unfolds, and for unforeseen reasons I made the move to begin renting an office space. Don’t get me wrong. I have enjoyed holding my classes in various galleries, churches, studios and even coffee shops around town. It was good to have such a changes of...

Good Fortunes

You crack open a cookie and the fortune is good. We like that, right? What if the paper were blank? Would you write a good forecast for yourself? Would you let your saboteur predict gloom and doom? Clarifying your own good fortune is more than setting resolutions that...

Heart’s Content

“Creativity requires activity, and this is not good news to most of us. It makes us responsible, and we tend to hate that. ~ Julia Cameron, The Artist’s Way (p. 142) What do you know about your own creative capacity? Once we get past the familiar excuses...

Getting In

Getting into a cold pool takes a lot of determination on my part. Once I’m in and get going, the water seems fine and quickly feels good. Refreshing even. I find it curious that the most energy seems to be needed at the entry point. Whether we dive in...

Healthy Focus

A couple of friends of mine started this idea and are opening the invitation to all who want to do it, too. Here it is: Hello and  Happy New Year!! The two of us will be having fun over the next 13 weeks, which will bring us through to the end of March. Every Sunday...

New Beginnings

A new beginning always includes endings, too.  The end of struggling to figure out who and how to host my websites, the end of trying to make the right decision when there is no such thing, the end of not trusting that the choice that feels right for me will ever...