Blue Fridge

“I’m so happy!,” I told my friend over FaceTime after seeing the apartment. “It feels as though it was made just for me, and guess what? The appliances are blue!” Such an artsy-fartsy feature, right? A new blue fridge and matching stove...
Complete Refresh

Complete Refresh

During a recent retreat at a friend’s cabin, the wood fire renewed warmth to our bones after a wintry walk. How might we create that same sweet feeling of renewal here at the end of 2021, such a challenging year? Interestingly, many of us never learned how to...
Blind Spots

Blind Spots

Each day I’m realizing more of what I didn’t know that I didn’t know. That’s learning, right? Some blind spots can be comfortably positioned in place for a very long time. Until they are not. Then, suddenly, we are on the next, often...
Beware Saboteur

Beware Saboteur

Whether you are busy working & adapting in new ways, or spending more time alone, self-care seems more important than ever these days. But beware! Shifting to what is best for your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual well-being can trigger that pesky inner...
Artist-at-home Dates

Artist-at-home Dates

“How do you do an artist date when you can’t go anywhere?” Is that a question you’re asking, too? If you’re familiar with The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron, you know the value. Artist dates are intended to fill up your energetic...
Upgraded Change

Upgraded Change

How long have I been desiring a new updated website? Talking about it, imagining it, knowing it was very needed hasn’t been enough to get it done. Until now! I’m so very grateful to Mari Pfeiffer for her web design and writing talents that she brought to...