How long have I been desiring a new updated website? Talking about it, imagining it, knowing it was very needed hasn’t been enough to get it done. Until now! I’m so very grateful to Mari Pfeiffer for her web design and writing talents that she brought to this project. Even though I’ve known for years that Mari would be the one I’d hire for the job, the timing wasn’t right until I chose it to be right.

Do you have a project you’ve been dreaming on and noodling about? Waiting for the stars to align? Frankly, I believe that is part of the process of holding the creative tension of an idea until it is ready to come into form. But, how long till we start? How do we know it’s not just procrastination?

There came a point for me when I heard myself say to myself, “What are you waiting for? Now is as good a time as ever.” I checked my account balance and chose to put funds toward a beautiful website that would be easier for my clients to see and enjoy. (So, please do give me your feedback! Is it easy to use? What works? What doesn’t? Do tell.)

From sketches and interviews and collaborative conversations with Mari, the new Spirit Out! site is open. When I think about how the creative change happened, it was as if I turned the corner and knew which step to take next. Hire Mari. Then we walked together while the leaves turned from green to yellow, gradually but clearly, we ventured toward and created the new upgrade.

What area of your life is begging you for an upgrade? Consider hiring me as your coach, and I’ll accompany you and help light up your creative tuning for you to best navigate the yet-to-be-seen turns ahead. It’s time to turn a corner if you choose.