Writing Practice

Writing Practice

“Sometimes I think I’m supposed to have it all figured out before I start writing. Have the right color pen, get the problems solved & feelings sorted to write down the little bits of packaged wisdom, the lessons learned & conclusions drawn that...
Spiritual Wellness

Spiritual Wellness

How are your needs a blessing? It seems counter intuitive at first, and may even sound selfish to those of us raised to think of others over ourselves at all cost. But the more I keep learning to listen to what my inner spirit needs for wellbeing, the better I am able...
Dream Launch

Dream Launch

What a beautiful evening with new friends, gathering near Lake Phalen where our dreams crafted onto paper lanterns set sail at dusk. How do you launch your dreams? Speaking what we hope for aloud with friends listening, writing them into words may seem the obvious...
Letting Go

Letting Go

You’ve heard of the book, right? The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo has proven popular this year, and very helpful to me. I did it. I followed the author’s advice to address one category at a time. After culling my clothes, I took on the...
Labyrinth Moves

Labyrinth Moves

One of the many qualities I love about a labyrinth is the experience it give of the whole. It’s a tricky talent to hold the big picture and take the singular steps of life, but this configuration offers a neat pattern. Oh, if it were so easy! Nonetheless, its...
Spring Boardwalk

Spring Boardwalk

This spring boardwalk turned into a springboard walk for my well being. Surrounded by urban landscape so much of the time, my spirit longs for something other than cement, asphalt, traffic, noise and exhaust. Thank goodness for artist’s dates! I pushed myself to...