“I’m so happy when I open my sock drawer!,” said my client after we’d begun the promising challenge of tackling her closet. It all starts with her desire to get organized, but how do you really get started? Try one drawer.

She and I have teamed up for several sessions now to meet her clearing-out goals. Before putting the house on the market, her realtor advised that all surfaces need to be clear and free of stuff. “And you need to get some real help to do the job,” he said. Feeling completely overwhelmed by the task of clearing out her 3-story house of 30+ years of stuff (and stories), she hired me. Yay!

But her desire goes deeper than the surface of things. In my experience, making conscious choices to lighten the load and create space in your world is a spiritual practice. De-cluttering is without doubt a liberating experience. Yes, it takes some heavy lifting at times, but the freedom that results literally makes breathing room. Ah!

Clearing off the surface of a desk, table or counter can do wonders for the visual appeal and spaciousness in a room. But if it’s all just stashed away haphazardly in a cupboard or drawer, your spirit knows.

As I greeted my friend stepped in the front door on a recent visit, I asked, “What have you done differently? The space feels lighter. Did you paint or rearrange things?” She said that nothing had changed in the room, but she had cleared out and organized inside her row of cupboards in the entry way. Well, I could feel it.

Give it a try. Do a 20-minute purge of unused, outdated, unwanted items from one cluttered, over-stuffed drawer in your home and notice the difference. How does this lighten your spirit, a little or a lot?

Your creativity will thank you.