My Blog

Creative Tension

Creative Tension

If you're a spider, or if you knit, you know the importance of holding tension. Just right, not too tight. Gently enough to allow the weave to flow, but not so loosely that it all falls apart. Creative tension in other areas can be like that, too. I once heard Brian...

Writing Practice

Writing Practice

"Sometimes I think I'm supposed to have it all figured out before I start writing. Have the right color pen, get the problems solved & feelings sorted to write down the little bits of packaged wisdom, the lessons learned & conclusions drawn that settle my...

Fair Question

Fair Question

What's fair? "I cut, you choose" doesn't really cut it. Snack time and one piece of cake at her house, my friend Lynn called the rules. An only child, she likely didn't have to share as much as was required with two siblings at my house, but somehow she had figured...

Blind Spots

Blind Spots

Each day I'm realizing more of what I didn't know that I didn't know. That's learning, right? Some blind spots can be comfortably positioned in place for a very long time. Until they are not. Then, suddenly, we are on the next, often uncomfortable step toward...

Beware Saboteur

Beware Saboteur

Whether you are busy working & adapting in new ways, or spending more time alone, self-care seems more important than ever these days. But beware! Shifting to what is best for your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual well-being can trigger that pesky inner...

Artist-at-home Dates

Artist-at-home Dates

"How do you do an artist date when you can't go anywhere?" Is that a question you're asking, too? If you're familiar with The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron, you know the value. Artist dates are intended to fill up your energetic tank and fuel your creative being and...

Spiritual Wellness

Spiritual Wellness

How are your needs a blessing? It seems counter intuitive at first, and may even sound selfish to those of us raised to think of others over ourselves at all cost. But the more I keep learning to listen to what my inner spirit needs for wellbeing, the better I am able...

Beyond Excuses

Beyond Excuses

Do these sound familiar? When helping my clients liberate themselves from mounds of possessions taking up space in their homes and offices, we inevitably get snagged by certain items. No matter how committed one is to getting rid of clutter, these are 5 common reasons...

Creative Mess?

Creative Mess?

What's the difference between a creative mess and plain old clutter? I think the answer has more to do with your active energy that the type or amount of stuff we're talking about. Let me explain. In the midst of an unproblematic, genuine creative mess, you will feel...

Toy Stories

Toy Stories

Try on the idea for a moment that your inner artist loves to play. Toys, crafts, building sets and games can be great fun for childlike imagination and creation. Can you easily get at your collection of fun stuff? When a recent client and I dove in to free up this...

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